This isn’t a boring Casper film school classroom. This isn’t an overcrowded college laboratory. This is life. Real Life. YOUR LIFE.
A film school in the Casper-Riverton area of Wyoming? Certainly! We’re FILM CONNECTION, the only Casper-Riverton Film School that gets you working inside an actual Casper-Riverton film production company, where you will learn directing, producing, editing, camera, screenwriting or general production. There’s no better way in the Casper-Riverton area to launch a film career than to extern inside a film production company in Casper or Riverton–and FILM CONNECTION is the film school that makes that happen.
You could pay upwards of 50 thousand dollars (plus relocation) to go away to film school at a film trade school, or you could go to film school in a real production company in the Casper-Riverton area for far less. The choice is clear! Learn directly from the pros, making vital industry contacts as you learn. Our film school alternative is the smartest, most cost-efficient way to get a quality film school education.